Shifting the Paradigm on Migration From Crisis to Opportunity
By Jason Wendle
Stanford Social Innovation Review
By Jason Wendle
Stanford Social Innovation Review
2024 Border Trip pending...
More details as soon as they develop...
Contributions are welcome,
to be used for basic needs items for asylum seekers at the US/Mexico border

Bay Area Border Relief is assisting ALAS, Ayudando Latinos A Sonar, in Half Moon Bay
as it offers mental health, housing, clothing and food support to the Half Moon Bay farmworker community impacted by the recent tragedy. Thank you for your support of our coastside neighbors. Please click on the image above to be redirected to:
December 1, 2023
Our special holiday food drive in collaboration with ALAS (Ayudando Latinos a Sonar) is happening for the 4th time on December 16, 2023 in Half Moon Bay. If you'd like to help with this effort, financial contributions are best, but we can also accept other gifts or food items in quantities of 400. Donations can be made to: Thank you for your participation!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed n past years to support Coastside Xmas in collaboration with ALAS! And thank you to ALL the volunteers who were involved in ordering, picking up and delivering, schlepping, packaging, moving and distributing 300+ bundles of chicken, fruit & vegetables, cookies, and holiday treats, such as ingredients for tamales and ponche. We greatly appreciate all the help!
November 27, 2022
Our sincere condolences to the family of Chip Isaac and much gratitude for establishing the Chip Isaac Memorial Fund with Bay Area Border Relief in his memory.
Funds continue to be sent to the U.S./Mexico border to support asylum seekers in the McAllen/Reynosa and Brownsville/Matamoros communities and our support is on-going with asylum-seeking families relocated to the SF Bay Area.
Our special holiday food drive in collaboration with ALAS (Ayudando Latinos a Sonar) is happening for the 4th time on December 16, 2023 in Half Moon Bay. If you'd like to help with this effort, financial contributions are best, but we can also accept other gifts or food items in quantities of 400. Donations can be made to: Thank you for your participation!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed n past years to support Coastside Xmas in collaboration with ALAS! And thank you to ALL the volunteers who were involved in ordering, picking up and delivering, schlepping, packaging, moving and distributing 300+ bundles of chicken, fruit & vegetables, cookies, and holiday treats, such as ingredients for tamales and ponche. We greatly appreciate all the help!
November 27, 2022
Our sincere condolences to the family of Chip Isaac and much gratitude for establishing the Chip Isaac Memorial Fund with Bay Area Border Relief in his memory.
Funds continue to be sent to the U.S./Mexico border to support asylum seekers in the McAllen/Reynosa and Brownsville/Matamoros communities and our support is on-going with asylum-seeking families relocated to the SF Bay Area.
April 2, 2022
Coastside Volunteers Make, Sell Tamales to Help Ukraine By Shawn Chitnis April 1, 2022 at 9:05 pm
March 30, 2022
"Coastside Love for Ukraine" Tamales Fundraiser is SOLD OUT! We can still accept donations only. Proceeds to benefit World Central Kitchen #ChefsForUkraine.
March 6, 2022
While European refugees are on everyone's mind, please also remember those at our southern border. There has been an urgent request for 1,000 tents and we can help by contributing towards their purchase or directly purchasing and sending one. One durable tent is $200. Our partner, Sister Norma Pimentel of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande, is working together with other nonprofit organizations at the border to relocate families living in a makeshift tent camp in Reynosa to a more dignified and safer space.
Please consider donating dollars to or directly purchasing a tent, specifically:
The shipping address is: CCRGV, 700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd, San Juan, TX 78589
Coastside Volunteers Make, Sell Tamales to Help Ukraine By Shawn Chitnis April 1, 2022 at 9:05 pm
March 30, 2022
"Coastside Love for Ukraine" Tamales Fundraiser is SOLD OUT! We can still accept donations only. Proceeds to benefit World Central Kitchen #ChefsForUkraine.
March 6, 2022
While European refugees are on everyone's mind, please also remember those at our southern border. There has been an urgent request for 1,000 tents and we can help by contributing towards their purchase or directly purchasing and sending one. One durable tent is $200. Our partner, Sister Norma Pimentel of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande, is working together with other nonprofit organizations at the border to relocate families living in a makeshift tent camp in Reynosa to a more dignified and safer space.
Please consider donating dollars to or directly purchasing a tent, specifically:
The shipping address is: CCRGV, 700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd, San Juan, TX 78589
Detailed descriptions are available here.
Seeking Asylum: Support for Newcomer Families
Bay Area Border Relief's (BABR) "Seeking Asylum: Support for Newcomer Families" campaign continues much-needed, ongoing support for 22 newcomer immigrant families (70+ individuals) in the SF Bay Area (and beyond) and individual special case needs at the U.S-Mexico border in southernmost Texas. Support includes: food, clothing, supplies, transportation, and legal services. In addition, we've also assisted in the location of separated family members, including minors; to secure temporary and permanent housing, jobs and work permits; provide work-site clothing; access medical and dental insurance and services (including births and surgeries), flu shots/vaccines/COVID testing; acquire phones, school registrations, ESL classes, summer camp, etc.
Seeking Asylum: Support for Newcomer Families
Bay Area Border Relief's (BABR) "Seeking Asylum: Support for Newcomer Families" campaign continues much-needed, ongoing support for 22 newcomer immigrant families (70+ individuals) in the SF Bay Area (and beyond) and individual special case needs at the U.S-Mexico border in southernmost Texas. Support includes: food, clothing, supplies, transportation, and legal services. In addition, we've also assisted in the location of separated family members, including minors; to secure temporary and permanent housing, jobs and work permits; provide work-site clothing; access medical and dental insurance and services (including births and surgeries), flu shots/vaccines/COVID testing; acquire phones, school registrations, ESL classes, summer camp, etc.
- Contributions in any amount are greatly appreciated. This is a joint effort with all community! All donations can be designated IMMEDIATE NEEDS.
- As a special incentive, contributions of $500 and up will receive a unique hand-crafted quilted fabric tile, made by a women's artisan cooperative in Oaxaca, Mexico (see images via the link below) whose community has been directly impacted by the effects of migration. Using applique, embroidery and recycled fabrics, these quilted fabric tiles illustrate migration's impact in their community with powerful quotes and simple, but impactful vignettes/scenarios. Detailed descriptions are available here. Each quilted tile square has a unique number. If you make a $500 and up contribution, please email BABR: [email protected] and identify your choice of quilted tile square by its designated number. These will be available first-come/first-serve to the first 22 donations of $500 and up. Choices will be allocated by the order in which payment is received.
- CONTRIBUTIONS by check or credit card:
- CONTRIBUTIONS by Venmo: @Lilli-Rey
DONATIONS to Bay Area Border Relief
Tax-deductible contributions to Bay Area Border Relief's efforts can be accepted via Philanthropic Ventures Foundation, EIN# 94-3136771.
BY CREDIT CARD: via Network for Good
Make payable to:
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
Note BORDER RELIEF on the memo line
Mail to:
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA 94612-1201
BY VENMO: @Lilli-Rey
Tax-deductible contributions to Bay Area Border Relief's efforts can be accepted via Philanthropic Ventures Foundation, EIN# 94-3136771.
BY CREDIT CARD: via Network for Good
Make payable to:
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
Note BORDER RELIEF on the memo line
Mail to:
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA 94612-1201
BY VENMO: @Lilli-Rey
by BABR volunteers and USF colleagues: Rick Ayers, Amy Argenal and Belinda Hernandez-Arriaga
An Appeal to Humanity — Close the Camps 1 of 3
The Children of Camp One, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico 2 of 3
An Easter COVID-19 wish: human solidarity with refugees at the border 3 of 3
by BABR volunteers and USF colleagues: Rick Ayers, Amy Argenal and Belinda Hernandez-Arriaga
An Appeal to Humanity — Close the Camps 1 of 3
The Children of Camp One, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico 2 of 3
An Easter COVID-19 wish: human solidarity with refugees at the border 3 of 3
Past BABR humanitarian missions to support asylum seekers
FEB 2020
Two visits in February to Matamoros refugee camp and Brownsville, TX.
OCT 19-25, 2019
If you'd like to learn more about typical tasks while at the Humanitarian Respite Center, please read this general overview. Tasks may be different upon our arrival, but this provides a glimpse of the organized chaos! Email us at [email protected] if you're interested in joining the group.
Collection sites and deadlines for donations and supplies have not yet been organized, but will be posted here when announced.
JUNE 19-JULY 2, 2019
The team served Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley's Humanitarian Respite Center, Good Neighbor Settlement House, Team Brownsville in support newly arrived immigrants in McAllen and Brownsville, TX.
Two visits in February to Matamoros refugee camp and Brownsville, TX.
OCT 19-25, 2019
If you'd like to learn more about typical tasks while at the Humanitarian Respite Center, please read this general overview. Tasks may be different upon our arrival, but this provides a glimpse of the organized chaos! Email us at [email protected] if you're interested in joining the group.
Collection sites and deadlines for donations and supplies have not yet been organized, but will be posted here when announced.
JUNE 19-JULY 2, 2019
The team served Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley's Humanitarian Respite Center, Good Neighbor Settlement House, Team Brownsville in support newly arrived immigrants in McAllen and Brownsville, TX.
NOV/DEC 2018
Collaborative group of 25 formed the Compassion Caravan to send a 26-foot truck of basic supplies, clothing, basic medicines, and toys from northern CA to southern TX for newly arrived immigrants at the Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, TX. The BABR team also protested the treatment and demanded release of young detainees in the Casa Padre Southwest Keys immigration detention facility in Brownsville, TX. Team members included faculty of the USF School of Education and San Francisco State University, philanthropists, nurses, students and community volunteers.
Collaborative group of 25 formed the Compassion Caravan to send a 26-foot truck of basic supplies, clothing, basic medicines, and toys from northern CA to southern TX for newly arrived immigrants at the Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, TX. The BABR team also protested the treatment and demanded release of young detainees in the Casa Padre Southwest Keys immigration detention facility in Brownsville, TX. Team members included faculty of the USF School of Education and San Francisco State University, philanthropists, nurses, students and community volunteers.
JULY 2018
A group of 10, comprised of Bay Area Border Relief representatives plus the addition of University of San Francisco School of Education Marriage and Family Therapist professors and students spent five days in McAllen, TX offering trauma relief and humanitarian support to immigrants recently released from immigration detention.
A group of 10, comprised of Bay Area Border Relief representatives plus the addition of University of San Francisco School of Education Marriage and Family Therapist professors and students spent five days in McAllen, TX offering trauma relief and humanitarian support to immigrants recently released from immigration detention.
JUNE 2018
Encouraged by Congresswoman Jackie Speier (CA-14) to take action, a group of San Francisco Bay Area volunteers in her jurisdiction decided to protest the recent family separations at the border in TX and traveled to support the congressional delegation's visit to detention facilities and volunteer at the Humanitarian Respite Center.
Encouraged by Congresswoman Jackie Speier (CA-14) to take action, a group of San Francisco Bay Area volunteers in her jurisdiction decided to protest the recent family separations at the border in TX and traveled to support the congressional delegation's visit to detention facilities and volunteer at the Humanitarian Respite Center.